
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

                  What does it mean to “follow Jesus?” What does it mean to walk as he did? Does it mean we should literally pack up all our things, walk out the door and start preaching in the streets? Even I don’t think that’s all that following Jesus is, although it sounds more and more appealing all the time. Sometimes it’s a struggle to stay within the bounds of the average church in America today, as self-centered and superficial as it can be. Where is the dangerous, risky living? Honestly how often do we really live by faith? Do we ever put ourselves in a position where we are force to live by faith in God? We constantly have plans, back-up plans, and of course insurance in-case the plans don’t go as planned. If we take a serious look at the life of Jesus though, he lived as an exile in his own culture. And when he says that his followers will do even greater things than he did, why do we find that so hard to believe? Why do I find that so hard to believe? Do we not think that God will provide if we only put our trust in Him?

                In another blog I talked a little bit about a Chinese Christian nick-named Brother Yun, who was severely persecuted by the Chinese Communist government, yet he continued to boldly proclaim the gospel. Interestingly, in his biography I’m reading he came to visit many of the Western countries that sent missionaries and Bibles into his country and helped to start their own revival of Christianity. But when he came he found that many of the Western churches were very cold-hearted, and did not seem interested. Of his own people, he says: “Every house-church pastor in China is ready to lay down his life for the gospel. When we live this way, we’ll see God do great things by his grace.” Not all Western churches are asleep and many do yearn for revival. But revival will not come on its own. Many Western Christians have asked Brother Yun what it is we can do to start a revival as there has been in China. There were three things he laid out that Chinese Christians take for granted in their lifestyle:

1.)    Return to the Word of God. The Word of God is sharp and active, and there needs to be an active reading and a “cutting” that goes along with it. It is not the job of the church to “apologize for the gospel” or make it seem nice with watered-down sermons and seeker-friendly churches. Our job is to go out into all the nations and teach the truth to everyone. And that means we need to know the truth that he reveals to us in His Word.

2.)    Obey the Word of God. Genuine obedience to the Word of God alone would solve numerous problems in our degrading culture (both American and Christian). But more than that, who will ever listen to our testimony if we can’t even live up to our own standards. Not that anyone will be perfect, but there needs to be true confession and repentence when we do stray.

3.)    Take the Word of God Everywhere. Genuine revivals are always followed by missions to all parts of the world, wherever the need is either most desperate or the Word has never been heard. When God truly moves in your heart, you cannot remain silent. There will be a fire in your bones (as in Jeremiah 20:8-9). Realistically though there should be missions both local and abroad. Don’t feel like you have to travel far, because there are plenty of people locally who have either never heard the gospel message spoken to them personally, or never really understood it fully. You won’t have to go far to find someone who needs to hear about God.  
If I could just summarize with my own thoughts: Following Jesus is never easy at the beginning, but in the end it is always worth it. When Jesus called his first disciples, they had to leave everything else behind before they could move forward again. And even when they had moved beyond their past they still faced great difficulty: persecution and martyrdom for most of them, but it was always worth it. As Jesus says: “Whoever find his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.“- Matthew 10:39. And one day we will be able to say along with Paul that “whatever was to my profit I now consider a loss for the sake of Christ. What is more I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.”