
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We did this activity when we were still at training camp, but I was reminded of it today and wanted to share my experience… The object was for our team to go out into the Spanish speaking community in a trailer park and ask for the Lord’s guidance in who we should minister to or what he wanted us to do.  So first we all sought out the Lord’s guidance indivudally in prayer and reading Scripture, and in general asking the Lord to move our hearts and tell us where he wanted us to go. We prayed specifically that might hear the voice of God and not our own voices or the voice of Satan or the voice of this world.
And it was amazing that we when we all came together and started sharing what we had been thinking about, we had all received a similar message. Many of us upon arriving felt a calling “to gather” and I remember reading a passage in Isaiah about “gathering the nations.” Our leader felt a calling to bring all the kids together, and maybe to just play with them. And someone said they felt the same way. Personally I wasn’t sure what God wanted us to gather, I saw there was a lot of trash laying around and so my immediate reaction was to “gather people’s trash.” And another team-mate felt the same way. Interesting enough we were both silent at first. And then we saw a plastic bag blow across the road, and my team-mate finally spoke up, so we broke off into two groups and did both tasks. There were three of us doing the trash pick-up now, and we quickly realized that we would need more than one bag to pick up all the trash laying around. But before we even thought to ask God to provide, we found another 2 bags to carry trash….cool! And what is even more cool, everytime our bags filled up we would find another bag to continue putting stuff in
After a little bit we decided that it would be better if two of us did the picking up and the other one could pray or read scriptures, and we would take turns. And what sort of Scriptures are we led to read? They ended up all being about parables about the land, or stories about healing the land…cool! 
What an amazing God we serve that he is continually providing for our needs before we even ask, and he encourages us to continue despite weariness! So basically this experience was a huge faith-building experience. I realized that listening to God is a very serious matter, and he will tell you what to do, so be prepared for something exciting to happen!
Thanks everyone for your continued prayers…there will be more stories to come, and I haven’t even finished talking about training camp yet. I’m so exciting to get started with our ministry. God bless everyone!