
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

         There have just been a ton of things weighing down on our team recently. And I thought it deserved mention here, that we would really appreciate your prayers in this time of need.
I won’t go into all the details of the various situations. But I will say that there have been a lot of deaths in family members back home, and a lot of financial difficulties, with people being layed-off of work, or financial support dropping out at the last minute. There are also a lot of relational issues with families back at home, and a lot of worrying that goes along with that. A lot of people have been feeling sick, colds and allergies and other things, and that has been preventing us from doing our regular ministry.
         There have also been some praises that need to be mentioned: one of our leaders, Dee Dee, got her visa renewed, so she can officially stay until we’re done in May. And one of our team has come to the decision to stay in South Africa indefinitely. She’s started making plans already, and we are all very excited for her, now that she knows what God’s will is for her life!
         Continue to pray for the effectiveness of our team, and pray against all the attacks of our enemy. He is trying to bring us down, but we will not give in. We appreciate all your prayers!