
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s really hard for me to explain in full detail what I’m going to say. But it’s been decided that it is time for our Port Elizabeth team to go home. I’m sure if you’ve been following this blog you’ve heard some of the hardship we’ve gone through this semester. Nicole decided first that God was calling her home and we said our goodbyes then. And one week later we found out that Victoria was also ready to go home, and we had to say goodbye again. We thought things were finally getting back to normal, when on April 5th Sarah Buller died very suddenl in a car accident. This was by far the hardest “goodbye” we’ve had to say yet. We spend one week doing nothing but grieving our loss and trying to hold everything together. Even then the question was being asked “what is our team going to do now?” Can we really bounce back after this incredible loss? We were at a loss then when we heard on April 12th that three more people needed to go home. They were all of them especially close to Sarah and it’s understandable they needed to get away from this place. They were not ready to continue their ministry and it was in the best interest of everyone that they left. But one again we were sad and at a complete loss for what to do next. We spent one week with friends in another city to get away from our ministry and just clear our heads and try and get in touch with the Father again. Thanks greatly to the love of Tom and his wife Cindy, who opened their house to us, we have started to feel a little more normal again. We’ve been worshipping God through all this, and seriously thought about what it that we need to do next. And that’s when we remembered that God has been in control of this from beginning to end. It’s not as if he was ever unsure of what would happen, or surprized. He knew this and planned it this way. And of course He has a purpose in it. That’s why we say that “his ways are higher than our ways, and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts.” we can’t ever really comprehend why all this happened, but the only thing we can do is to trust in God and praise him through it all. There was a time meant for us to be here in Port Elizabeth, and we did a lot of ministry and hopefully changed some lives in the process. But now God is ready to start something new again. We are all very sad that we have to leave earlier than we had planned. But we are going home joyful that the real purpose behind this trip was accomplished: to make the Father known to everyone that we met! And hopefully that ministry will never come to an end!